Friday, February 15, 2013

Winter Dry Skin Care

My hands have just been awful, just awful this winter! Dry, cracked, crispy, name it, they've been it.

During the workday I keep a stash of trusty standbys nearby in order to treat my hands:
  • St Ives  intensive healing lotion
  • Burt's Bees lemon cuticle cream
  • almond cuticle oil
  • EOS lip balm in cantaloupe
I use the top three mixed together on the tops of my hands, fingers, and cuticles. Then let dry and possibly pat with a disposable tissue and get back to typing away at the keyboard.

The EOS lip balm comes in handy to keep the lips moist after being buffeted outdoors by wind and weather alike on the way in or as a comfort crutch when I'm going into a meeting or before I'm stepping out.

Simple things like this really make a difference to help make my hands look presentable and give me a sense of comfort and nurturing during a long workday.

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