Saturday, February 26, 2011

Keeping Skin Supple In Winter

I've been struggling with the odd breakout and flakyness lately. When skin begins reacting differently to the same products I've used for a while, it makes me wonder whether I've gone wrong or the seasonal change has affected my skin.

Since we've had unusually bitter cold this winter, I've recently begun working out daily, and I've been rough-housing more than usual with my Beagle, Benny, I'm blaming environmental factors and extra exposure to microbes for the change in my skin.

I revisited my skincare routine to accomodate for these two changes:

Wash to remove buildup and makeup twice a day but don't be shy of three if you know you really need it.
I wash my face after walking my dog as soon as I come home, then I work out and probably play with my dog as I watch TV or movies on my laptop. If I play with my dog or work-out, I always wash my face again before going to bed, even if it's with plain water.
Don't be harsh on the skin - use mild-temp water, circular motions, pat wet, pat product away gently (especially around eyes), and pat dry with a face-only-use washcloth or towel that's soft and absorbent.

Use a gentle exfoliant, either mechanical or chemical - I've acquired an appreciation of Befine's exfoliating cleanser (great foam development as you massage it) and my trusty old Bioelements Kerafole.
Be very delicate with your application (skip eye area) and with the removal, as well as when you pat dry, and your after-care (good trusty moisturizer).

There is a variety of moisturizing products that can help you at various times of the day.
I have PeterThomasRoth's oil-free moisturizer for right after I wash, and their cucumber gel masque for night and those mornings when my skin feels particularly irritated, flaky, or parched.
At work, if it's particularly dry I will get stinging eyes. That's a sign for me to spray some of my Burt's Bees Grapefruit Complexion Mist--which sadly, I couldn't find on their website, but is still available at Amazon.
I've also fallen in love with Asian face sheet masks, after I tried myfaceworks' I need to heal out of my first Birchbox in January. Great stuff. Will explore further soon.

So that's the three main steps that everyone already knows about, but how you tweak them and explore them, and experiment with them, reveals the results you want.

Have a good time playing and stay warm!

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